Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you! It's so important to make time for yourself!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you! This is all very true! I saw my health suffer when I was working full time and there no money can fix that!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Yes! Thank you!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much! Things are still going well and seem to be in harmony."
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "I agree! I feel so much better not having them in my life."
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Suzanne! I am trying to focus more on the people than the things around the holidays. I love how you spent Christmas at the movies! I would love to do that one day!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you for your comment Dave. It is amazing how much 'stuff' we really don't need."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Bill!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "You're welcome! Thank you for reading!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "I know! It truly flew by!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Midlife Crisis:
   "Really enjoyed this one! I have many of the same feelings you express and it's a relief to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you for your comment! Although I'm sorry that you had the same experience sometimes it's good to know that we are not alone. I've been painting my nails black recently. I think I'm still in rebellion!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you for your comment! It's reassurance when I sometimes question if I am engaging enough with my son. "Decluttering the brain" is a great statement! I'm going to keep that in mind."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Midlife Crisis:
   "I'm really looking forward to this series!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you for your comment! Entering the new year I'm trying to be more mindful of keeping things at a slower pace. It's sometimes easy to give so much of ourselves to our jobs; but then when does it stop? Thank you for sharing!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much! It has been quite the transition and everyday I'm just hoping that I'm getting it right!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much for your kind words! Having been a year removed from writing this essay it certainly brings back all the feelings I had at the moment in time."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Really enjoyed this as I could relate. Most of the time when I hit publish on my writing I either want to go into hiding or throw up."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "I agree. I think as a society we are going to have to find a way to manage our technology."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "You're welcome and I'm very sorry to hear that you had a friendship that ended the same way."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you! And if you are wondering you can take a baby into American Eagle! No one gave me strange looks when I went there a few weekends pushing a baby stroller."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on All Of Me:
   "Could really relate to "Crumbling Foundation"!"
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7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Enjoyed 'Quitting Time'. It reminds me of some of the conversations that I've had with my parents!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much! Since becoming a mom I've really tried to stick to this idea!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Rachel! I love your comment! I try to be as honest as I can even if it is painful at times."
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you so much Jennifer! I still chuckle when I think about putting on my running shoes during that storm. I have no idea where I thought I was going! Thank you for commenting. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the story!"
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8 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "Enjoyed "Flying the Friendly Skies"! I also have experienced the 'de icing' only to be told that our bathroom water was still frozen and we needed to de-board so they could heat up the plane to sauna-like temperatures. Then we had to 'de ice' again. And all I really wanted was to escape five degree weather!"
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on So, You're Thirty!:
   "I really enjoyed your latest on how to slow down a mid life crisis. I've had a lot of the same thoughts and it's really refreshing to read your viewpoint. I find a lot of people don't admit to their struggles on social media and that is what makes us all human doesn't it? The humble bragging along with the constant-day-update are the people that drive me nuts the most. I stopped following a few because of it. Great list and great reminders! I plan on reading it a few times."
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Sandra! I'm learning to limit what I post on Facebook. You're right. It's easy to be taken advantage of when your whole life is on there!"
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Maggie. I wrote that essay almost a year ago and I did finally get some answers although it was a very long and difficult process to get to that point. My heart goes out to your friend."
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8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Bill! I'll never forget the way I felt that day."
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you! The Rome adventure definitely had my heart pumping as well! It's something that I won't soon forget!"
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "If it makes you feel any better I use a Blue Sky planner and I'm in my early thirties. I grew up as technology developed along with me. So I kind of feel like I've been a test pilot of many things, but I still remember the simpler versions of most of today's items. I've always used computers for college and work but it's been the smart phone that has really got me hooked. I've been trying to scale back, although I realize without these inventions I would never be able to share my writing with the world. I suppose it's a double edged sword in many ways."
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Thank you Maggie! I know I was really lucky to meet all of them! I really miss them; especially my mom's parents since I got to spend so much time with them."
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8 years ago